COV-IND-19 Study Group

Welcome to the COV-IND-19 web app. We aim to provide a resource to describe the COVID-19 outbreak in India to date as well as prediction models under various hypothetical scenarios. The figure and forecasting models update as new data becomes available (i.e., at least daily). You may download PNG files of each figure by clicking on the camera icon when you are hovering within each plot. Please cite our medium article and this website in any publication that you use this resource for.

The COV-IND-19 study group is comprised of: Maxwell Salvatore, Alexander Rix, Michael Kleinsasser, Daniel Barker, Lili Wang, Rupam Bhattacharyya, Soumik Purkayastha, Debashree Ray, Shariq Mohammed, Aritra Halder, Debraj Bose, Peter Song, Mousumi Banerjee, Veera Baladandayuthapani, and Parikshit Ghosh. Led by PI Bhramar Mukherjee.

Please direct inquiries to Maxwell Salvatore, Michael Kleinsasser, Evan Cohen, and Bhramar Mukherjee.

Feel free to browse the source code and the underlying data repository that run this app.


Data source is COVID19-Bharat:

R modeling package: eSIR R package

How to cite

Ray, D., Salvatore, M., Bhattacharyya, R., Wang, L., Du, J., Mohammed, S., … Mukherjee, B. (2020). Predictions, Role of Interventions and Effects of a Historic National Lockdown in India's Response to the the COVID-19 Pandemic: Data Science Call to Arms. Harvard Data Science Review.

Daily number of new COVID-19 cases, fatalities and recoveries in India

This figure provides the number of COVID-19 new cases (yellow), fatalities (red), and recoveries (green) in India. You can hover your cursor over the bar to see the exact numerical counts.

Time-varying R

Test positive rate

Daily number of COVID-19 vaccines in India

This figure provides the daily number of COVID-19 vaccines (green) in India since March 15, 2021. You can hover your cursor over the bar to see the exact numerical counts.

Percent of population with one or two doses of COVID-19 vaccine in India

This figure provides the percentage of the population with one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine (grey) or two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine (green) in India since March 15, 2021. You can hover your cursor over the lines to see the exact numerical counts.

Daily number of COVID-19 cases and deaths

The first figure represents COVID-19 case counts where the x-axis starts on the day when each country passed 100 cases. The second figure represents COVID-19 fatalities where the x-axis starts on the day when each country exceeded 3 fatalities. These axes allow comparison of counts at similar stages of the outbreak. You can click on countries in the legend to add or remove them and you can hover your cursor over the lines to see the exact numerical counts.

SEIR case and death projections

This figure provides the projected number of COVID-19 new cases (green) and deaths (orange) in India. You can hover your cursor over the bar to see the exact numerical counts.